Sobre La Baby Bodega

Welcome! My name is Ania & I run La Baby Bodega. I am a Portuguese national living and based in the UK. I have had a fondness for sewing my whole life since my grandma taught me at a young age but re-discovered this love after the birth of our youngest daughter.

Struggling with the beige and grey baby clothes that haunted every high street shopping rail I decided to start this little venture to help people fall back in love with bright bold fashion. With the unwavering support of my husband, kids & amazing mother I was able to get the right kit, find some amazing designers to work with & get creating some one of a kind pieces.

A lot of the designs that are available are exclusive & I’m always looking for that next bit of inspiration to draw up a new design. Much like my personality my style preference is a little bit of everything but my heart lies with nostalgic prints & upcycled projects.
I have changed La Baby Bodega to work 20/25 designs on a monthly rotation to keep things feeling fresh & offering new products each month. (This is not including festive designs, Halloween, Xmas etc which will be available for a few months before the holiday in question.)